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2nd Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators. This WEB Is Currently Under Construction! Prof Dr.
org aims to be a user friendly and highly flexible resource for presenting information about the neuroanatomy of the developing zebrafish brain. For an overview of the zebrafish brain see our introduction movie. This website is intended to be a community repository for data related to the neuroanatomy of the zebrafish. We encourage users to participate though the uploading and annotating of data and the writing of tutorials.
The goal of this conference is to bring together scientists from both biological and medical research fields to accelerate the translational process of zebrafish-based knowledge to clinical applications. This will include generation of more predictive humanized disease models, dissection of disease mechanisms and discovery of new disease treatment methods.
Search ZebrafishMine using names, symbols, identifiers and keywords for genes, proteins, fish and more. Enter a list of identifiers, symbols or names. Eg gsc,goosecoid,pax2a,A0A181. ZebrafishMine is a tool to help you customize searches of Zebrafish related biological data including genes, proteins, fish, and reagents.
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